About Us
The history of Cardiac Rehabilitation in Indonesia is related with the establishment of Indonesian Heart Association in 1957 & Training in Cardiology for graduate doctor as well as internist and Pediatrician in 1966.
It started with Dewi Sartika Heart Foundation which was lead by dr. Sukaman (alm.), dr. Boerman, Prof. Dr.dr.Lily I Rilantono, SpJP, Prof. Dr. dr. Dede Kusmana, SpJP, dr. Loethfi Oesman (alm.). The foundation sent dr. Boerman, Prof. Dr. dr. Dede Kusmana, SpJP, dr. Loethfi Oesman (alm.) to attend The 1st World Congress on Cardiac Rehabilitation in Hamburg on September 1977. Based on Prof. Dr. dr. Dede Kusmana, SpJP Note, they initiate Healthy Heart Club in 1978 which influence healthy cardiac life with encourage people to do more exercise, organizing healthy heart cycling. Moreover it is cultivating positive and healthy spirit to maintain a healthy heart as a primary prevention and give people with heart disease hope to still living a healthy lifestyle as a secondary prevention.
Cardiac rehabilitation began in 1980 from a stress test unit that extended to Stress Test and Rehabilitation unit in FKUI-RSCM. They had two static cycles, a rowing machine, 4 channels telemetry, a corridor for walking. Since then, many Symposiums and Congress of Cardiac Rehabilitation have already been held. In 1985 all the Cardiac Rehabilitation facilities got moved to National Cardiovascular Center with wider space. Through time to time the propagation of Cardiac Prevention and Rehabilitation Installation develop to 13 centers all around Indonesia and have evolved with facilities, training for cardiologists (fellowship program), medical rehabilitation specialists, nurses and physiotherapists. This fellowship has been approved by department of cardiology and vascular medicine that makes cardiologist a consultant and lead the cardiac prevention and rehabilitation unit in each center.
Indonesia Heart Association established prevention and rehabilitation working group to accommodate cardiologist to develop knowledge, education, service standardisation in cardiovascular prevention and rehabilitation. Regarding the science improvement, we initiate workshops, annual symposiums, trainings and guidelines which collaborate with many centers and partners. One of the biggest event is InaPrevent (Indonesia Prevention and Rehabilitation Event) which held for the for the first time in Surabaya.
Recently, members of Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation working group actively held research and writing scientific international papers or journals, become speaker in many occasions locally or internationally, develop standard services and medical competence of health workers, build relation with other organization and partners in many countries. We hope cardiac rehabilitation care can spread to many centers in Indonesia, give comprehensive services and contribute to the advancement of medical science.